Friday, January 16, 2009

5 things you may not know about exercise

5. A moderate intensity, consistent exercise routine can boost your immune system and keep you healthier. During moderate exercise, immune cells course through the body rapidly and are better able to target and neutralize viruses and bacteria. The immune system generally returns to normal within a few hours after exercise, but a consistent routine will make these effects longer lasting. Intense endurance exercise tends to have the opposite effect- making you more susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

4. Exercise raises your metabolism for up to 36 hours after you finish. This means that for 36 hours after you finish your workout your body will be burning extra calories.

3. Exercise gets you high. During exercise the pituitary gland releases excessive amounts of endorphins- natural painkillers and mood elevators that have similar effects on the brain as opiates.

2. It actually makes you smarter. Lab tests have shown that exercise increased oxygen flow to the brain making it more efficient. On top of this, it has been shown to cause neurogenesis- the process where neurons are created. Until recently this was thought to stop after full brain development and be uncontrollable, but scientists have found that exercise causes the growth of new neurons in the brain. So in essence, exercise boosts memory and processing speed and actually gives you a smarter brain.

1. It increases sex drive. Tests have shown that exercise boosts your libido and increases blood flow to both male and female genitalia. This means higher sensation and stronger, larger erections.

5 Steps to building lean, powerful muscle

1. Hit the gym, and when you're there push yourself. Don't waste all of your time and energy on running and/or cardio. This is good for a warm up, but focus 80% of your routine on lifting weights. Do a 5 minute run followed by 5-10 minutes of stretching, and then get into your lifting. Do 7-9 reps at 70-80% of your max for 3 sets for each different lift. Take a minute between each set and get a sip of water.

2. When lifting, concentrate on going slower as you go through the eccentric motion of the lift (the motion where the muscle you are targeting is getting longer). For example, during a bicep curl go slower as you release the weight down than when you brought the weight up toward your bicep.

3. Eat...A lot. When bulking up, you need to make sure that you are in a positive calorie intake for the day. Working out burns a lot of calories so not only do you need to eat to satisfy your normal daily intake, but you need to replace the extra calories burned during your workout, plus take in extra calories for building the muscle. Concentrate on a diet that takes in 1-2 grams of proetin and 2-3 grams of carbohydrates for every pound of body weight. Make sure to eat within an hour of working out as this is the time when your muscles will absorb the most glucose to replenish the stores that it lost during the workout. Glucose, or glycogen as it is called when it is stored in your muscle, is the main fuel that your muscles use for energy. For this post workout meal stick to the 1:3 or 2:3 ratio of protein to carbs.

4. Drink plenty of water. Water is essential to proper nourishment and is quickly diminished by your body when you are on an intense workout routine. Make sure to drink enough water so that throughout the day your urine has only a slight yellow tint to it, if not almost clear. Also make sure your electrolyte levels are where they need to be. Gatorade and powerade both are electrolyte replacement beverages that can be used during or after your workout to maintain these levels.

5. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and get enough rest. Alcohol dehydrates you and if you are trying to nourish your muscles after a workout this is not what they need. Rest is very important because during sleep your body goes into recovery mode. On top of this, the highest release of growth hormone comes while you are asleep.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Questions/ Comments on diets

Any questions or comments on diets or dieting that you may have can be posted here.

Questions/ Comments on exercises

If anyone has specific questions about what exercises to do to target specific muscles, or just exercises in general, please post them here.

General questions

Any general questions or suggestions for content may be written as a response to this post. Feel free to comment on any of the other posts as well.


Getting fit for the new year- diet tips

We all know that one of the most common New Years resolutions is to get in shape. So, how do we go about this? To start, you must know the basics.

  • For weight loss, calorie intake < calorie expenditure.
  • Drink water or 1% milk instead of soda, Powerade, Gatorade, or other sugar-loaded beverages. Many people also do not know that sugar is converted to fat if it is not burned, as are all carbohydrates, so avoid foods loaded with sugar and high fructose corn syrup.
  • and eat baked or grilled lean meats rather than fried. Buy leaner hamburg for burgers, or a better cut of meat with less fat on it. Fish is also very good for your system because it contains high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids- substances shows to lower your risk for cardiac problems, as well as providing anti-aging and cancer fighting properties.
  • DO NOT follow diet programs that restrict carbohydrates completely. This is very dangerous for your health. Think about carbs as the gas for your body. We almost entirely rely on carbohydrates for everyday function. Our brains especially rely on carbohydrates for proper function. It is true that without carbs our bodies will begin breaking down fat for energy, but what they don't tell you is that this can lead to a serious life threatening condition known as Ketoacidosis. This can lead to nausea, confusion, coma, and even death.

These tips will help you lower your calorie intake and make it easier to lose weight while still being able to eat the foods you like

Another bit of advice is that caffeine gears your body to burn more fat that carbohydrates, so a cup of coffee an hour or two before your workout will help you burn a few extra calories, as well as give you more energy for better results. Be careful however that you are not taking other stimulants combined with caffeine during workouts (such as ephedra) because this can be VERY dangerous and possibly fatal.

Make sure to drink a glass of water about 30 minutes before your workout, especially if you have caffeine in your system. Caffeine (along with alcohol) is a diuretic which means is causes your stomach to not absorb water. During your workout, don't take giant mouthfulls of water, no matter how appetizing it is at the time. This will lead to cramps. Instead, take frequent, small sips of water throughout your routine. Proper hydration is essential to getting a good workout!

First Post- general info

I have created this blog to answer specific questions regarding your workout routines, diets, exercises, or anything else health/fitness related. I strongly believe that there should be a free, reliable source for this information so that anyone can achieve a healthy lifestyle, not just those who can afford a personal trainer. Please feel free to post about your own routines, diets, or anything else that you feel will be beneficial to other readers in addition to questions. Thanks!